About Me

My photo
Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Friday, 23 July 2010

Figa Ustream - J Lounge!!! www.figadj.com

Ok Been U Streaming for coming up to three weeks, and its an experience! thats the only way i can explain it really. I'm one of those people that gets really involved and lost in my music, i forget that the camera's there and when i do remember i play up to it only to remind myself that are watching so i best calm down lol. I hope you can tune in and catch me in action every Sunday 4-5pm playing the best in the best music!! no limitations here!

Last weeks show is up now if you want to have a look and see what to expect. You can watch live from www.figad.com or www.J-lounge.co.uk send in yiour dedications, shout outs and requests via twitter (www.twitter.com/figadj), facebook (Face book Group 'Figa DJ') or on the live chat in the J-Lounge.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Swear Down TV - Some Funny Ish

These Girls are just tooo funnny!!! these particular episodes had me in stitches. Their observations are spot on and I really and truly would not be surprised if within the next two to three years we are watching them on MTV or at least Chanel 4. Check em out i recomend subbing coz they dont spam and do post regularly. I have to say i dont know them personally but i like to spread laughter enjoy!

This ones about Funky House

This Ones about Overated Artists

I dare you tell me you didnt laugh or at least agree with some of the points made? Altough I have to say I am Niki Fan so didnt agree with all of it!