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Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Figa It Out - Kanye West: Love Lockdown

Ok! Let me start by stating that I am actually a fan of Kanye West.

I've bumped his work from through the wire, and even before that as a producer for Jay Z, Teedra, Lauryn hill etc - the dude in my eyes is a bit of a genius. I believe that he is one of the most underrated lyricists and producers of our time. When i hear people going on about what a great MC Lil Wayne is it kinda makes my blood boil..but that there is whole other blog..focus Figa..anyhoo they do say that most genius' suffer from a madness that is akin to their greatness.

Well I feel that we are seeing that madness through Kanye's newest offering ' Love lock down'. I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!

I feel what he is trying to do, (can i stress the ' TRYING' bit). I love the fact that he is thinking out if the box. I love the lyrics, I love the energy, I love the simplicit, the passion in the beat BUT i just don't get it. I believe that if someone else maybe had sung the song, I would be singing a different tune right now.

its just the drone of it, it feels to me like it goes on and on and on even the auto tuner doesn't help...I find myself looking for an object to destroy when i get deep into the song..I'm sorry i know that there are many many many people out there who are really digging the track, Its not like I just heard it for the first time today and decided to slate it. I heard a few weeks back and have pondered and pondered over it. I keep listening to it wishing i could like it.

I recognise the genius but who is to say why you like what you like? The African in me wants to love it, as it is so raw and tribal in nature, yet i cant stand it. 6, 173 people on You tube disagree with me having rated it with 4.5 stars..i just don't get it..

check it for yourselves and let me know what you think..the video on the other hand i feel is quite inspired..still love Kanye..call me!

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