About Me

My photo
Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Friday, 28 January 2011

Crazy Love Valentine Mix 2011

I know its not quite that time yet folks BUT! if you Love being in Love, Have just had your heart broken, Hate people that are in Love, or are indifferent to Love then this mix is for you!

The Full Mix shall be available for download on Monday 14th February 2011 but I've got another sneak peak for you. 

Snippett No2 

 <span>Crazy Love Valentine Mix 2011 Snip2 by Figa's Mini Mixes</span> 

Dont Forget you can catch me at Syn each and Every Friday at Essential Fridays! Its a must for all true ravers..Figa It Out 


Figa DJ


LIKE: www.facebook.com/figadj1

Twitter: @Figadj 

Catch Figa on www.Swurvradio.com Every Saturday 9pm-10pm 'Supa Mix with Figz'

Monday, 17 January 2011

Bbm Jokes! Funny!

This is courtesy of Lady Storm! WAYS TO TURN DOWN UNWANTED MEN!!!!

MAN: Can I buy you a drink? WOMAN: Actually I'd rather have the money.

MAN: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?

WOMAN: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.

MAN: How did you get to be so beautiful?

WOMAN: I must've been given your share.

MAN: Will you go out with me this Saturday?

WOMAN: Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.

MAN: Your face must turn a few heads.

WOMAN: And your face must turn a few stomachs.

MAN: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.

WOMAN: Okay, get out.

MAN: I think I could make you very happy.

WOMAN: Why? Are you leaving?

MAN: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?

WOMAN: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.

MAN: Can I have your name?

WOMAN: Why? Don't you already have one?

MAN: Shall we go see a movie?

WOMAN: I've already seen it.

MAN: Where have you been all my life?

WOMAN: Hiding from you.

MAN: Haven't I seen you some place before?

WOMAN: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.

MAN: Is this seat empty?

WOMAN: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.

MAN: So, what do you do for a living?

WOMAN: I'm a female impersonator.

MAN: Hey baby, what's your sign?

WOMAN: Do not enter.

MAN: Your body is like a temple.

WOMAN: Sorry, there are no services today.

MAN: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.

WOMAN: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.

FORWARD TO WOMEN IN NEED OF SOME LAUGHS (and men who may appreciate good humor)
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Sunday, 16 January 2011

BBM Joke

This January sale lark is doing my headin. Went to boots they don't sell boots. Went to currys & no curry in sight. Went to selffridges but they don't sell fridges. But the biggest let down was the virgin megastore!!

Heehee x
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Heart Warming Story - Voice For Radio

Came across this by accident on my trawl through Youtube, it really touched my heart. 
Just shows you should never give up on your dreams and aspirations..

Figa DJ


LIKE: www.facebook.com/figadj1

Twitter: @Figadj 

Catch Figa on www.Swurvradio.com Every Saturday 9pm-10pm PST 'Supa Mix with Figz'





Saturday, 1 January 2011