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Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Friday, 7 November 2008

UK Figa It Out - Be Cool

Track: BE COOL

Artist: Wretch 32

From the Albulm: Retrospective

Catchy, and different.

Wretch 32 definitely has his own sound, and to me that’s the whole point of this music lark. It appears to also be the point of the track. He has crafted a sound that is unique to him. When you hear it your not wondering is that Joe or blogs? Nope, you know its Wretch! And trust me that’s a good thing.

I wasn’t too sure initially how I felt about the track. It didn’t hit me in the face as an instant smash when I heard it for the first time – found it a little repetitive if I’m honest. But its fair to say that it definitely grew on me. Bouncy and upbeat the music matches the lyrics. Its an all round fun club track, with a positive message. I just have to hear it once and I find myself humming it for the rest of the day. It seems to be getting love from 1x haven’t really heard it anywhere else but that’s not a comment on the track its self.

I love the cheeky flow on this, that’s what actually turned it around for me, the more you hear the more you pick up and bounce to. It’s almost verging on singing towards the end of some lines. Wretch is very cleaver with word play. I don’t feel this particular track played on that but its not always about showing you lyrical dexterity- he showed with this track that he is down to have fun too! Don’t get me wrong its far from lazy, and Wretch is already on his way to becoming one of UK’s greats.

I also had a sneak preview of some of his album and I personally love the other tracks I heard more than this one. So considering the fact that this track is in itself a decent track I cant wait to get my hands on the actual album (my very own copy) which by the way is in stores now.

2.5 / 5

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