Artist: She She ft Lino Cordova
The title alone intrigued me. I wanted to hear this one!
The track really didn’t surprise or inspire me, and I was hoping it would. I was left feeling a little disppointed.
Contrived lyrics, I could guess what was coming next (excuse the pun). She (She she) stayed on the subject matter however and drew a pretty graphic picture. So, in a sense that was good. I would not suggest playing it to the future in-laws however, but if you wanted to get down, dirty and down right freaky then this could possibly be the track for you and an anonymous other..
The voice really wasn’t doing it for me, even the auto tuner didn’t really help. And I really didn’t take to the raspy breathy talking at the start and in between verses. Male ears may find it sexy though. Me – nope. Its not like she can’t sing, I just couldn’t put my finger on why I didn’t really like it. I’m curious to hear another track from her in order to work out if things get any better really.
Standard beat – didn’t appear finished to me. It has a south feel to it, just seems done already.
Its got nothing to do with the subject matter, I’m no prude. I just don’t feel it was executed as well as it could have been.
I couldn’t work out if they were English or American (both artists), and that also annoyed me. Catchy chorus though.
Fair dues for trying but my mother always told me if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. So maybe I’ve said too much already. Figa it Out.
1/5 For me
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