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Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Friday, 7 November 2008

UK Figa It Out - I'll Ride Funky


Artist: Street Politics (Beat remixed by DJ Perempay & Dee)

Absolutely love the original to this track, for months I was asking people “ have you heard that song that goes…” and as I’m not the best singer would repeatedly get the blank stare. The stare that said what are you on about Figs. It took me months to find out what the track was called and who it was by. Even then, I was given the wrong information and spent days on t’internet ..getting random responses…street disciples my a** …anyhoo as you can imagine I was very keen to hear the ‘funky’ remix when it landed in my in box.

I like the fact that they have changed the lyrics and structure of the song and not just speeded it up and called it funky house. They have actually re-spat, re-sang and re arranged the whole song. In this way it will possibly reach more people and give the song a longer shelf life. But I feel the original is a classic anyway and will out live the funky house phenomena. All that said it’s a well crafted song. If I hadn’t heard the original before this I wonder if I would have taken to it more?

Vocals are superb, her voice is strong without being over powering or overdone and compliments the top quality MC who apparently also sings (just as well I might add). I am on a venture to find out more on this group as not much info came with the material. You will get the low-down as I get it.

Street Politiks I feel are one to watch out for. Based on the three tracks that I have heard so far, I fee that they make good generic music, you can dance to- but in their own way. Pure heart felt music. They have their firmly finger on the pulse- hence the funky remix.

The original Cant be beat! This track feels a bit like a band wagon thing. it seems this is the music of choice for the musically ‘fashionable’ and’ remix conscious. I’m not sure if a funky version would have been done if it wasn’t popular. I’m not sure if I’m being clear in what I’m trying to say. Basically would I have been getting a Jungle remix if that was what was the music of the moment? Or would they have done this style anyway... does it really matter? And isn’t that the whole point? Well that’s a whole other blog.

At the end of the track there is a little instrumental part where the original melody has been used and replaced with what sounds like an electric guitar (more George Benson than Guns n roses)but its mint! I play out the who track just to catch this part!

3.5/5 For Me.

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