About Me

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Derby, United Kingdom
This Blog is unique to me! Its about Me, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, liking, and mixing! It will be mostly music related as that's my 'thing' but I have an opinion so things could get hectic! Figa It out Please also check out my website: www.figadj.com xx

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

FACT!! Bbm Joke

Thanks to Lady Hollywood for this one! 7 Facts in the world:

1. Your eyes is the only part you can not wash with soap. 2. You can not count your hair.

3. Your tongue can not reach all your teeth.

4. Only the stupid one's will do the 3rd part.

5. You will smile because your tongue can reach all your teeth.

6. You will laugh because you look like a fool 7. You will forward this because you had fun and you want revenge...lol

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