I really wanted to like this, in fact i've looked at it from all angles and tried to be as nice as possible about it as I can.
I feel for Nicola in that I believe she gets a hard time from the press and especially the likes of 'Moylesey' who hasn't taken too kindly her. Yes she's ginger and yes she has a quirky feel to her but what's wrong with that? You probably find it a bit strange that I'm even considering this song for review on my blog, but it moved me so much that I had to write about. Unfortunately it didn't move me in a good way. I've never heard any solo material from the 5th 'Girls Aloud' member (I call her the fifth member just because she doesn't really seem to fit in to the band, nothing else!) So when this video popped up its fair to say that I was intrigued, I was secretly hoping I had discovered something that was going to be revolutionary and change mankind for ever. I didn't.
I found it all rather disturbing, I felt hungry just watching Nicola gyrate around in her 70s' esque Y fronts. The styling was lost on me. None of it seemed to make any sense. I am all for being different, and she has already received 335, 044 hits on the day the video is uploaded, so she obviously has some fans. I believe other people were also curious as to what she is going to offer .. and believe it its a Marmite track (3,620 like & 2,088 dislikes) the comments are hilarious!!! anyhoo i digress.. Vocally she doesn't really show us what she can do..but I suppose its a pop song so can we really expect her to be pulling Maria Carey rifts, or Whitney warblers?? No! She can hold a note and that's evident, but that's about it.
The whole song just seems a bit schizophrenic to me, as though they are trying to appeal to everyone, I hear Dubstep influences, pop influences and she clearly likes 'Pon di floor'..its just all a bit much, yet flimsy feeling at the same time. I bet radio will jump on it though, maybe I'm just showing my age on this one but its a definite miss for me.
I will look out for the obligatory remixes and see if any catch my attention, but as I write this, the hook is stuck in my head, and that lets me know that ultimately she has succeeded in witting a pop song (hesitated before deciding against putting 'good pop song') I am going to watch it and see how it does. Again I cant stress that I wish her well as she has had so much grief from the 'industry' but this is song is just not for me.
What do you think? I'd love to know..
Figa It Out.
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